Saturday, May 25, 2013

Week 2: Inspiration

I suppose in daily life I seek inspiration in a lot of places. I've started posing three questions to myself every morning which are 1) what am I excited about today?, 2) what am I thankful for today?, and 3) what am I committed to making happen today? Asking myself these questions has inspired me to live more productively, enthusiastically, and gratefully so far (I've been doing this for about a week now).
Another place I seek inspiration even though it may seem silly is on Facebook. I have made my news feed to show only things from pages that have inspiring quotes and messages that correlate with what I believe in and how I choose to see the world such as living naturally, empowering myself, seeing the world move into greater awareness and love and a higher dimension, etc. It is very inspiring for me as well as I check it once or twice a day.
I also seek inspiration from my husband. He is probably the most positive and strongest person I know, is very ambitious and motivated, and is always supportive of me and my very large goals. I am very lucky to have someone to look up to that inspires me so much and keeps me on track, even when it feels hard to stay that way.
Also I use essential oil blends that inspire me as well. The one that is my favorite is call "Live with Passion". I put one drop on my hand in the morning (it is expensive but potent), rub my hands together, inhale them deeply, and brush off my aura with them before reading my affirmations. If I need a pick-me-up or to clear my head throughout the day, I will choose an essential oil to dab on and inhale as well. It is amazing how clearing and uplifting they can be.

To apply my daily life inspirations to writing, I could also ask myself similar questions that I do to start my day with. I would figure out what I would be excited to learn about or talk about and decide my topic that way. Even going into writing with a sense of gratitude would help inspire it too. I would determine what I am committed to creating with the piece I was writing and would set that as my intention for it. I may look at some inspiring quotes to get me going as well like the things I often see on Facebook. Then I would inhale an appropriate essential oil and pray for guidance in my writing as I connect to the place of spirit within. I believe my writing will be very inspired and much better from doing these things!

As of now, it depends whether inspiration guides my writing or not. I have never set up a system for it, so sometimes I will think about the given topic for a few days before writing. However, usually with a set topic, this is not a good thing for me because I cannot think of anything I want to write about until I sit down to write. I sometimes put writing off and build up the dread of it in my mind which makes no sense, because once I start, I really enjoy it and feel inspired. I guess it would be better for me to do the things that would inspire me beforehand as I have mentioned above instead of trying to think of a topic and making it out to be a greater task than it is in my mind. As for my style, I don't really know how to answer if inspiration guides it. I guess inspirations guides my writing style. I don't really think much about my style though since I assume my writing style is just how I write naturally.
I don't believe my writing style blocks my inspiration at all. I write in the style that I think so if anything, my writing style increases my inspiration. I always feel more inspired after I have sat down and written something. In fact, writing about inspiration has left me feeling quite inspired. :-)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Creative Writing Sample

This post is for school. I normally would not write about an inanimate object, but I guess this is to get creative juices flowing. Plus nothing is really inanimate as everything is in motion on a molecular even if we perceive it as solid and still, right? Anyway, I guess I will find something:

I live in a great place and have the best spot in the house. I get plenty of sunlight unless the woman keeps the curtain over the door. I am hyacinth plant and live in a glass jar with water that goes past my bulb.
Last autumn when I was just a baby I was brought here by a lady who had kept me in a very cold refrigerator. It was so nice to be brought here and placed in the sun where I get to observe everyone who comes in. I have seen many different people. My roots used to be so short when I was young and I had plenty of room to grow in my first container. However a few months ago, my roots were so long, I was so cramped. She tried to put me in different glasses, but nothing worked until she finally brought in a large one where my roots don't even touch the bottom yet.
Also several months ago, I bloomed....twice! I had the prettiest flowers. I received many complements and was held often and smelled. I can tell I'm still loved and cared for, but it's not quite the same as during the prime of my life when I was in bloom. My leaves are long now and still growing, but the very tips are dry and brown. Not sure why as I have plenty of water and sun. Maybe it's just old age.
I've grown up here beside Lemon Balm who gets to have her roots in the dirt. She's been a nice companion and has stayed strong and steadfast by my side, although sometimes she is further away as the window box is turned around to vary the direction she grows in. She is a total sun addict and is always reaching for it.
Recently, a bouquet of cut flowers has been put nearby. They are beautiful and for a bit I admit I was a little jealous. However, I can see they are all dying a slow death. Now I just feel bad for them as I think they were deformed at the root when they came. It is nice to have the brightness around for a bit while they last though.
If I could give any advice, I would advise someone put me near that tall, handsome bamboo across the room sitting on that bookshelf. I've seen him over there since I was tall enough to see over the window box and got my first blooms. He doesn't get much sun and sometimes seems a little lonely over there but he just keeps growing proud, tall, and strong. Now that's a plant!
I would also advice the woman to find out why I have dry tips on my leaves and do something about it. Other than that I have a nice life here and hope to stay for a while. :-)

My Bio

Ricci Saliba, C.Ht, LMT, has a passion for living life fully. She loves helping people find their passion and zest for life and awaken to their full potential. After overcoming various struggles herself, she has the ability to meet clients where they are at and help them to radically change their lives into what is most fulfilling and empowering for them.  Ricci uses a number of methods, mainly hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, detoxification, energy work, life coaching, nutrition, and massage to holistically help her clients thrive physically, mentally, and spiritually.
She received a professional degree in Massage Therapy from the Arizona School of Massage Therapy in 2011. She is currently earning a degree in Mind Body Transformational Psychology with specialties in hypnotherapy and nutrition at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Ricci is ABH certified in hypnotherapy and licensed in Arizona for massage therapy.

Ricci’s passion is to help people awaken to their own power and potential. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and six pets and loves writing, dancing, learning, animals, traveling, and exploring.
She is the owner and creator of the Hester Healing Center ( where she is in private practice in Payson, AZ.